Parents Petition Over Long Bus Rides
This story was about the school systems in Prague, CT. Parents in the town are petitioning the school board to find a way to make the bus rides shorter, but the school board attributed the delay to a tight budget.
The fact that parents are arguing with the school district about this of all things is insane. If parents want the buses to run faster, they will have to pay extra taxes, which I'm sure they'd also complain about. In addition, I'm sure the buses aren't the biggest problems in the school; parents would do better to worry about things like who's teaching their children or if the school is well supplied. School Superintendent Dr. Ed Senesac summed it up best when he said "The answer is no, I don't have the money. If it wasn't a bus, it'd be three paraprofessionals, a teacher, or you'd have to think about pay to play [a program that charges students to play sports]."
The article stated that the board recently cut the number of buses from eight to seven, saving the schools $45,000. If a bus was to be added, parents would have to make up for this deficit in taxes and other fees to the schools. Unfortunately, the school cannot serve better without more funding, and this is money parents likely can't or won't give up.
I love what parents complain about. They want their children to get home sooner and quicker so they can go do things. We're in a country that everything is on fast forward and everyone is in a rush. It's a school bus, how about worrying about seatbelts and other safety hazards involved with the bus. If they have such a problem with it, why don't they use the vans that are "carrying school children" or bring and pick them up themselves. Maybe if buses didn't have to stop at every driveway for every child on the bus, then maybe it wouldn't take as long to get kids home. If I ever have children, I'm totally going to be the parent that says "well when I was your age" and "you have it easy." We had bus stops and my bus driver hauled ass since he had other runs to do. What next will parents complain about....